A Framework for Leading Change at the Chief Resident Level

Internal medicine chief residents fulfill managerial roles that may necessitate the implementation of changes to team, program, and institutional processes. Enacting change can be challenging, and effective leaders utilize specific tools to successfully guide their teams through the process. Despite being called upon to lead such initiatives, most chief residents lack formal instruction in change management, uncovering a need to enhance this facet of leadership training. In this interactive workshop, we will explore two contexts of change: the implementation of novel projects and enacting initiatives created by others. We will use Kotter's Change Management Model (KCMM), a well-established eight-step method that has been applied to health professions education, to highlight key tools for successful leadership strategies.

As a large group, participants will share their experiences leading organizational change, reflect on how their successes and challenges aligned or deviated from KCMM, and share their strategies to overcome obstacles to change. Next, attendees will divide into small groups and apply the key steps of the KCMM framework to simulated change scenarios. Groups will share their designs with each other to facilitate cross-pollination of ideas and identification of best practices. Participants will leave the workshop with a foundational understanding of KCMM and a handout that highlights tools for effective change management to use as they design and tackle programmatic changes in graduate medical education at their institutions.