Stakeholder Input and Contextual Analysis: A Practical Skills Workshop for Milestones 2.0 Assessment Redesign
Assessment design and implementation can be a challenging task. Making assessment make sense, listening to the priorities of learners and faculty, and figuring out how to make assessment work in unique contexts are no easy tasks! Indeed, rapidly implementing new evaluation tools to meet changing accrediting regulations such as the ACGME Milestones 2.0 can lead educational leaders to move quickly over critical steps due to widely shared constraints on time and resources. This workshop will seek to equip participants with knowledge and skills grounded in theory to strengthen their work for authentic and feasible assessment design.
Participants in this workshop will be introduced to instructional design theories including ADDIE, Kern's Six Steps, and System's Approach with a focus on the analysis phase. Presenters will provide examples of how contextual analysis and stakeholder interviews informed the development of workplace-based assessments. Workshop activities will include a facilitated opportunity to plan a contextual analysis, practice performing stakeholder interviews, and participation in small-large group discussion.