Utilizing Instagram and Creating Your Brand: The Ultimate Recruitment Tool

GME recruitment has transformed from an in-person experience to a virtual platform. Programs and applicants have had to learn to navigate and prosper in a virtual recruitment world. In this workshop, presenters will discuss the transformation of GME recruitment via virtual platforms and other technology. Presenters will provide a roadmap for programs on how to utilize Instagram as the ultimate recruitment tool. They will discuss the importance of building a program's brand and creating a digital presence for their target audience. Presenters will also provide tools for developing content and best practices for engaging on the social media platform. Instagram can be used for advertising and promoting a program's offerings to applicants. It is also a great way to showcase not only the program but the institution, geographic location, and the day to day life of a trainee. Participants will leave with a guide on how to develop an effective recruitment tool through Instagram and how to optimize their program's digital presence. Participants will also be provided with a content calendar for when and what to post.