The CCC and Me: How Milestone Evaluations Impact Learners and the Chief Resident's Role

In this workshop, presenters will review key topics related to assessment, milestones, the clinical competency committee (CCC), and resources available to help chief residents take on these important responsibilities. Chief residents are integral to coaching, teaching and assessing residents, and many will be asked to take part in the CCC; contributions include being part of direct observation, performing assessments, and giving perspectives in the CCC. Members of the ACGME Internal Medicine Milestones 2.0 Work Group will discuss the development of the recently revised milestones. This workshop will provide an opportunity for chief residents to understand the milestones and their application more deeply using interactive sample learner cases. Small group discussion will be built around a mock CCC in which participants will use the Milestones 2.0 Supplemental Guide to assist in assigning milestones ratings to sample learner cases. Each group will be tasked with defending their ratings based on provided fictional learner assessment data.