Courageous Leadership: Insights from PGY-3 Chief Residents

While chief residency is universally demanding, being a PGY-3 chief comes with unique responsibilities and situations that are sometimes overlooked. Third-year chiefs must balance administrative and leadership duties with the rigorous clinical demands of internal medicine training. Additionally, PGY-3 chiefs must manage and advise classmates who they have trained with, including friends. This workshop aims to address the challenges of PGY-3 chief residency head on, guiding participants to find the courage and tools to effectively lead their peers. The first portion of the workshop will be a combination of a needs assessment and a review of some key principles from Brene Brown's book Dare to Lead. The middle of the workshop will be spent in small groups, where participants will work through difficult scenarios that commonly occur, such as balancing chief duties with the responsibilities of PGY-3 year and managing conflict among peers. The workshop will conclude with a large group discussion on key takeaways and recommendations, led by a panel of current and former PGY-3 chief residents. Participants will leave the workshop with tools to approach and manage unique situations of PGY-3 chief residency. Although this workshop focuses specifically on PGY-3 chief residency, the skills and concepts can be applied to any chief resident or clinician educator looking to expand their skills in courageous leadership.