Work Hard, Play Hard: Engaging Residents through Active Learning

Delivering effective medical education during noon conference poses challenges due to the demanding nature of inpatient ward responsibilities and busy schedules, which can result in low audience participation and suboptimal learning. Integrating interactive games into core internal medicine topics increases audience engagement, fosters comradery among housestaff, and improves clinical reasoning. In this workshop, presenters will introduce a model that involves gamifying medical education during noon conference. through a variety of activities that improve audience participation and emphasize active learning through a game-based learning (GBL) approach. GBL involves using game-like activities to enhance learning around important internal medicine topics. Gamifying core topics in internal medicine increases motivation, fosters active learning, and enhances clinical reasoning. Integrating GBL into a noon conference curriculum offers a novel and engaging approach to medical education. Participants will learn how to develop effective games for a large group of internal medicine residents and describe how to incorporate mini-games into morning reports.