Teaching Primary Care Core Content to Multiple Learner Levels

Though the historic focus for chief residents has been inpatient education, this workshop focuses on developing high-quality ambulatory education. As programs switch to X+Y formats, create ambulatory chief positions, and dedicate space to ambulatory education, medical educators need a framework for using this time effectively to cement primary care core competencies in an engaging and thoughtful way. This workshop will discuss and refine the principles behind choosing "core content" for primary care education and engage with a framework for teaching this content to multilevel learners. Presenters will identify a few topics that are essential to a solid foundation in primary care and critically analyze the principles behind including certain content on an annual basis. Presenters will share a framework and novel approaches to teaching primary care core content with a focus on engagement across multi-level learners. The workshop framework will be used to create a one-page handout containing a repository of ideas that can be used to elevate ambulatory education.