Internal Medicine Curbside Conference

The "Curbside Conference" is designed to address gaps in subspecialty knowledge through a responsive curriculum focused on real clinical questions from residents with teaching by experienced clinician educators. This workshop will teach participants how to implement "Curbside Conference" at their own institution. Conference topics target subspecialty clinical questions regularly faced in ambulatory and inpatient settings. Presenters will demonstrate how clinical needs assessment identifies clinical practice gaps and cultivates a curriculum from trainee submissions and will share how to utilize these submissions to curate consult and curbside scenarios that can then be thoughtfully addressed by experienced clinicians with strong teaching skills. The conference reinforces knowledge through examining multiple clinical scenarios in a single field during each session and demonstrating clinical reasoning through problems on consult services, primary care and sub-specialty clinics. Each session will amplify the learning usually only gained by a few residents during their interaction with subspecialty services, teaching topics residents might not otherwise encounter during their training. An additional goal of the Curbside Conference was to allow trainees of all levels to benefit from increased face-to-face interactions with faculty, previously limited by the pandemic, while preserving the intimacy of the existing consult rotations despite the larger audience. Curation of scenarios is at the forefront of the workshop, allowing for teaching points that target and strengthen the knowledge of reporters, interpreters, managers, and educators alike, ultimately fostering progressional growth for all stages of learners in the program.