Fundamentals of Peer Reviewing

You have just received an invitation from a high impact factor medical journal, asking for your expertise in peer reviewing a manuscript for them. Congratulations! But you've never done one before...what to do? Peer review is one of the most important ways that we can contribute to the advancement of medical science. It also meets an ACGME scholarly activity requirement and can teach us to be critical readers of the medical literature, lessons to model for faculty and learners. Utilizing best practices from the medical literature as well as the experiences in editorial roles for multiple medical journals, presenters will take participants stepwise through the peer review process, utilizing real world examples of journal submissions for small group discussion, editing, and review. This stepwise approach will utilize a simple tool for peer reviewers to structure their analysis and provide highly-rated reviews to journals. Workshop participants will leave feeling more confident in their abilities to accept a peer review request as well as having a template to utilize for faculty development purposes. The tool can also be used by programs to benefit trainee critical appraisal and enhance journal club.