A Recipe for (Fellowship) Success: Guiding Your Residents to a Delicious Fellowship Match

Subspecialty fellowship is a popular career path for residents in internal medicine. The process of applying for and matching into fellowship is challenging and often highly competitive, made more so when a resident's home institution does not have a robust set of their own fellowship programs. Program directors, associate program directors, and faculty advisors at such residency programs may struggle to find sufficient resources to provide effective guidance to their trainees as they seek to match into fellowship. As the presenters discuss effective practices to facilitate successful fellowship application that they have employed in their own programs, they will help participants construct their own roadmaps to use. These roadmaps will include specific tasks and recommendations for each critical step on the path to matching into a fellowship program, from determining an area of interest early on in residency to cultivating a rich CV in the middle stages of residency to composing the application, deciding on which programs to apply, interviewing and ultimately creating a rank list.