Show Me the Money: Optimizing Documentation to Support High-Quality Patient Care and Maximize Revenue as a Secondary Gain

Complete and detailed medical documentation is imperative to providing high-quality patient care. However, ongoing institutional success is reliant upon a strong financial foundation. As health care institutions navigate current financial markets and as many health centers look to productivity-based compensation models, it is important for providers to have the tools and resources available to them to maintain complete and detailed documentation which supports the care performed and services provided. During this workshop, we will provide an overview of the department of internal medicine's coding and education processes, which focus on ensuring high quality provider documentation and billing. This process ensures superb patient and referring provider communication. Presenters will begin by providing best practice recommendations on data reporting and share recommendations on how to utilize data to identify areas of opportunity. Presenters will then provide an overview of the current educational processes and highlight modifications implemented to enhance the educational experience, including a streamlined onboarding process that provides additional and in-depth specialty-specific education to support providers in capturing revenue for the expert care provided. Presenters will further discuss optimizations to documentation templates to eliminate documentation burdens and discuss implemented physician-leadership relationships to ensure provider buy-in. Finally, presenters will offer insight to future steps as it relates to hiring in-house educators to build upon current practices as well as ensuring compliance and optimization of changing CPT and coding rules and regulations. Workshop participants will be equipped and encouraged to utilize recommendations at their institution.