Collaborative Implementation of Individualized Learning Plans for Resident Success

ACGME requires programs to incorporate individualized learning plans (ILPs) for all learners in the process of self-directed, lifelong learning. Recently, AAIM developed an ILP template to identify specific learning goals and potential knowledge gaps in incoming interns. Given the emphasis on ILP utilization at both the UME and GME level, educational leaders need a cohesive approach for ILP development, implementation, and education which this workshop provides. Presenters will review the core sections of the ILP and present the development of a customizable ILP template using ACGME competencies and programmatic vision; describe the process of incorporating the ILP form into the academic calendar as part of a mentorship toolkit and semi-annual assessment for all residents, while acknowledging pitfalls and barriers to implementation; share a program's approach to providing faculty and resident development on ILPs as well as an evaluation tool for ILP review; and discuss how to use this data to further develop the ILP form and processes. The workshop will conclude with a breakout group in which participants will discuss how they can use the tools provided during the workshop to implement ILPs in their setting. Workshop participants will leave with actionable takeaways and feel more confident in applying ILPs to their programs.