Microlearning as a Tool for Faculty Development for Busy Clinician

Clinician educators have become busier than ever, and programs struggle to operationalize essential faculty development. Microlearning has become very popular in medical education as a tool for faculty development due to its brief nature, focus on a singular learning objective, and ability to be presented virtually, in person, or hybrid as well as synchronously or asynchronously. Snippets, nuggets, e-bites and JiTTs are some examples of microlearning. In this workshop, presenters will introduce the audience to microlearning through a demonstration of already created 15 minute faculty development sessions on topics ranging from professionalism to creating an environment of inquiry. The audience members will then have the opportunity to identify a faculty development need in their program and hone in on one learning objective. Participants will outline an interactive 15 minute faculty development session for their program, including brainstorming about the interactive component to the session. With this initial creation of a session, participants will leave with a foundation that they can refine, implement, and evaluate.