Managing-up your Program Director: Navigating the Associate Program Director Jungle

Associate Program Directors (APD) are an essential part of residency leadership with diverse FTE and a myriad of roles. The ACGME has specific requirements for the total amount of APD time allotment. How this time is used by specific programs to enhance their educational and administrative growth is an area for robust investigation and discussion. APDs are engaged in essential areas that include scheduling, didactics, research, QIPS, and direct teaching of residents/students. Through this highly interactive, thought-provoking, and fun session, APDs will explore methods to improve their own programs (and Program Directors (PD)!) with an eye toward APD developmental and long-term goals. What are the FTE needs for an APD? What faculty development opportunities are available? Does everyone want to be a PD? How many PDs are there and who are they (demographics)? Who are the mentors supporting the development of our APDs? Pediatrics has created an APD guide that will be reviewed and used as a model for discussion.