Smooth Sailing on the CCC: How to Organize and Prioritize Your Clinical Competency Meetings

For larger training programs, conducting effective, efficient clinical competency committee (CCC) meetings can be challenging. From the logistics of conducting these meetings during the busiest times of the academic year (e.g., recruitment and graduation) to converting evaluation data into meaningful assessments of resident performance, many barriers can impede effective CCC meetings. This workshop will discuss some key strategies for removing these barriers and improving meetings by focusing on three key areas: logistics/planning, member roles and responsibilities, and meeting workflow. Presenters will discuss how templating the year, creating a timeline, and developing brief CCC-reorientation sessions can improve the efficiency and quality of meetings. Participants will learn how clearly defined member roles unified under a shared mental model is key for meeting efficiency and productive discussion and provide techniques and strategy resources like "right-size" guides, and a meeting triaging protocol can help focus meetings on discussion of resident strengths and trajectory in the program as well as a plan for growth, rather than just assigning numeric scores. Through example scenarios, a take-home toolkit, and a brief group exercise, participants will return to their programs empowered to optimize their CCCs with more productive, efficient, and trainee-focused meetings.