Using the Clinician-Educator Milestone Project as a Tool to Inspire Personal Growth and Professional Development

The workshop will start with a description of the ACGME Clinician Educator Milestones and will provide an overview of the various subcompetencies. This introduction will help participants understand the framework used by ACGME to help clinician educators progress through and develop skills within each sub competency. The remainder of the workshop will utilize interactive techniques to engage the audience, including large group discussions, small group discussions, and think-pair-share activities. In an interactive large group discussion, we will examine Universal Pillar 1: Reflective Practice and Commitment to Personal Growth. The discussion will center on strategies to progress from one level to the next. Using the milestone "Educational Theory and Practice: Feedback," participants will engage in self-assessment using a worksheet that will be provided. Group discussion will focus on where, why, and how participants rated themselves, using concrete examples from their current practice. Using "think-pair-share" and guided by their worksheets, participants will brainstorm concrete ways to advance to the next skill level. This activity will be repeated with the milestone "Educational Theory and Practice: Teaching and Facilitating Learning." The session will conclude with participants identifying two actionable goals, using the SMART framework for goals creation, for progressing to the next level for each subcompetency discussed during the session.