Clinical Trial: Budgeting and Post Award Management: Tips and Tricks

Clinical trial management, from budgeting to post-award management, is very different from managing federal awards. This workshop will introduce the audience to different budgets, amendments, what to look for in budgeting, coverage analysis, and contracts at high level. When the contract is signed, what next? How to manage clinical trials so they do not go into deficit? How to manage post award clinical trials? What are the different kinds of invoicing opportunities? Are you leaving money under the table? How to manage invoicing and collection? Reconciliation and holdbacks? Amendments and the impact on invoicing and collection? CRO changes Effort allocation - PI and CRC effort on CTs? The workshop will cover hard questions on investigator-initiated trials, trials that are not accruing, paused trials, as well as ongoing discussion with the clinical team, PI portfolio, and finance teams. Workshop participants will understand all aspects of clinical trial management and will leave equipped with the understanding of what to prioritize in their own organizations for managing clinical trials.