Compassionate Mentorship: A Holistic Approach to Mentoring across the Residency Experience
In the years of residency, trainees balance several major life experiences: learning and working in a rigorous clinical environment; building a professional identity; forming a future career plan; and maintaining their personal well-being. Mentoring residents through these challenging years can also feel overwhelming to residency leaders and mentors who deeply invest in the personal and professional development of their residents. Compassionate mentorship is a model that supports both mentors and trainees in a partnership for growth. In this workshop, presenters from four different residency programs share key skills that they use in their roles to provide compassion-centered mentorship for residents. Presenters will also discuss how they role model these principles for and with trainees. This workshop will review key principles of compassionate mentorship: core values alignment; self-compassion; and building each resident's network of developmental mentorship. The format will use case discussions and small group reflection to facilitate application and integration of these skills.