A Step-by-Step Guide to Holistic Review in a Post-Affirmative Action World
In response to the USMLE moving to pass-fail and in efforts to make the residency admissions process more equitable, many residency programs have moved towards a holistic review process when assessing medical student ERAS applications. However, the holistic review process brings unique challenges for residency programs. The recent US Supreme Court rulings prohibiting the use of race-based affirmative action in university and college admissions has added further nuance and confusion to the topic. This workshop will provide program leadership and administrators with needed skills to transition to a holistic review process at their home institution. To begin, participants will receive a brief didactic session on the underlying principles behind holistic review as well as guidance on how the recent US Supreme court ruling apply to holistic review at the GME level. After reflecting on their individual program's mission statement, participants will receive a step-by-step guide through the procedural steps in implementing a holistic review process for their residency programs. Participants will then work in small groups to assess ERAS applications to determine essential and non-essential components to guide creation of a holistic review rubric. Participants will return to their home institutions with a partial holistic review rubric, based on their individual program mission statement as well as guidance on how to overcome common barriers to holistic review.