The aim of the session is to engage and inform internal medicine UME and GME program directors along with faculty and recruitment leaders regarding the movement towards use of COMLEX-USA as part of resident selection. Normalizing the use of COMLEX-USA scores in an effort to reduce stress and support wellness in residency applicants may encourage DO students to apply to programs with COMLEX-USA scores and improve holistic resident screening outcomes. This interactive forum will improve understanding of what COMLEX-USA examinations measure, how standards are set, what the scores mean, and how they correlate to performance in residency and support a commitment to lifelong learning. Attendees will also learn about Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Achievement Tests (COMAT) Internal Medicine, used by colleges of osteopathic medicine, and how the examination factors into the IM Structured Evaluation Letter.
- Danielle Parker-Mangum, C-TAGME
- Melissa Turner, MS
- Marie Fleury, DO, MBA
Additional Information
Year Published: 2023 - APDIM Fall Meeting