Professionalism, Communication and Milestones 2.0: Using Improv to Address the Hidden Curriculum

Milestones 2.0 highlight various required subcompetencies, including those that focus on professionalism (PROF1), patient-centeredness (ICS1), and team communication (ICS2). To achieve competency in these domains, learners must first recognize and address the hidden curriculum that influences how we communicate with colleagues, particularly when in conversation about our patients. Improv offers the advantage of enhancing group communication and help create new ideas when compared to role-play. Using improv, participants will explore how an individual's background may influence the decisions they make, and their experience of validation, with a focus on patient-centeredness. Activities will also include examining the impact of influential team members, such as the attending physician or the senior resident, on more junior learners. Improv will allow participants to probe the effect of the learning environment on development of professionalism, including how clinical teachers teach and how learners respond to clinical supervision. Participants will then be able to apply the same improv strategies at their own institutions to teach their learners on these very important topics.


  • Hussain Khawaja, MD
  • Melissa Bowler

Additional Information

Year Published: 2023 - APDIM Fall Meeting