How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Teaching Rounds: Reducing Faculty Anxiety by Improving Faculty Teaching Skills

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Teaching Rounds: Reducing Faculty Anxiety by Improving Faculty Teaching Skills

Course Overview

Many academic programs prioritize faculty teaching evaluations in decisions regarding promotion and academic leadership, leading to significant faculty anxiety and concern over maximizing teaching scores. In addition, while medical education leaders often receive advanced training in teaching theory and techniques, many academic faculty do not have this opportunity. This workshop will frame-shift academic faculty worries about clinical teaching evaluations by encouraging a focus on improving individual clinical teaching and team leadership techniques rather than a strategy of targeting teaching to evaluations.

This workshop will address the challenges and benefits of clinical faculty teaching evaluations before broadening to focus on targeted approaches to improving one's skills as an inpatient clinical educator. In small groups, participants will discuss barriers to effective inpatient clinical teaching before delving into tangible solutions as a large group. We aim to help faculty become more confident clinical teachers and team leaders through the development of a toolkit to approach both on-rounds teaching and didactic teaching that occurs during inpatient rotations. We will focus on practical techniques to improve non-cognitive and cognitive domains of clinical teaching including creating a supportive learning environment, identifying learner goals, building progressive responsibility, addressing multiple learner levels and teaching when time is short, amongst others. Participants will join in small group discussions to share novel teaching techniques. Attendees will leave with a toolkit and specific examples of ways to incorporate the above lessons into their practice to improve their clinical teaching and team leadership skills.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand key factors that influence faculty teaching evaluations from learners and barriers to effective inpatient clinical teaching
  • Review non-cognitive teaching techniques that lead to effective inpatient clinical teaching and team leadership
  • Provide practical strategies and approaches to enhance cognitive domains of clinical teaching


Margot E. Cohen, MD
Raymond and Ruth Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

Ashok Linganna, MD
Raymond and Ruth Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

Andrew R. Orr , MD
Raymond and Ruth Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

Additional Information

Year Published: 2022 - AIMW